You and Your Brotherhood Sermon Text Romans 12:1-17 1 Corinthians 3:9 Whenever we don't appreciate the church we begin to back away from the church...and when we back away from the church we can often say "I don't like what I see." We are to share our brotherly love.
Ye MUST Be Born Again John 3:7-21 "Ye Must Be Born Again" We do not, automatically, through our parents inherit new life. Doing good will not bring you to a new birth. Ezekiel 36:24-28 What does it mean to be born again?
What is Jesus saying? Are we obeying? One morning Jesus was with his disciples. He was spending some personal time in prayer. Maybe all night. The crowds started coming and they grew and grew throughout the day. People were being trampled the crowd was so large. The crowd was made up of many different people.... Read More
This sermon – Will He Find Faith When He Returns? – was originally preached 2014.03.02 by Jake Troyer. The faith that Jesus will be looking for will be faith in our hearts. What is faith? – Faith is believing in something that we can’t see. Hebrews 11 Why do we close our eyes when we... Read More