John 3:1-16 What does it mean to be born again? We all know what it means to be born? At least we know the basics… the key word in our text this morning is the word right after born - “again.” This birth comes by the power of God. We can’t be born by our... Read More
Isaiah prophesied about Jesus coming to the Earth many years before he was actually born. God did not leave us alone. He created man in a beautiful situation, but man messed it up right away. Ever since there was a separation between man and God. What we want to focus on this morning is that... Read More
John 14, Romans 5 - these are the main two passages behind this message. Jesus is telling his disciples not to be troubled, that they need to “Believe in me instead.” If they believe in him Jesus promises them peace. What kind of peace is this? This is not the world’s versions of peace. It... Read More
John 3 - Nicodemus had a lot of questions, questions that we would likely have had in the same situation. Romans 12 - We come to Christ as a “living” sacrifice. What am I doing to convert the blessings that are in my life into fruit for the Kingdom? How can I be a partaker... Read More
Breaking the bread of life is a sobering responsibility. Let us pray that we can hear the call this evening to pursue a life of godliness and holiness. Jesus is soon returning for His bride, His church. The Church is made of people just like me and people just like you. If the Church is... Read More
Continuing on in a series about the doctrine of God. John 9 - We’ve looked at God’s attributes and His character, but what about his work? God’s work defines Him we get a better idea of who God is when we look at the things that God does. God’s Plan for Us Ephesians 1:3-14 -... Read More